RUS Viking

Listen to the main score (stereo version) from RUS Viking

“RUS Vikings in the East”, a special exhibition at Moesgaard Museum from 22 january to 22 september 2022.

Music and Sounddesign by Søren Bendixen.


Jyllandsposten 5 february 2022: 6 Stars review:

one becomes quite breathless over the gigantic work that has been the basis for creating an impressive environment, which at the Moesgaard Museum in visualization and sound takes the guest on a journey to distant continents in an equally distant past”.


Politiken 25 january 2022: 6 hearts review

 “With unique finds and strong communication, a new impressive exhibition at Moesgaard tells about Viking expeditions along the rivers to the east”


Kristelig Dagblad 07 februrary 2002: 6 Stars review: 

“At Moesgaard’s new exhibition “Rus – vikings in the east”, there is room for both experience and reflection. It is matchlessly executed…..and at the same time it is all staged in a delicate exhibition design that is not afraid of evocative effects or appeals to the imagination and the sensual without seeming overbearing, so that there is both experience and ethereal thought.”


The mediainstallation “Ibn Fadlan”. Visuals by Mario Brauer, sound and music by Søren Bendixen

