The Music/Musikken
Listen to Sometimes it happens Pt. 1
English version
The press release states: The music is written to understand and relieve pain.
It´s the closest I can get to what music has meant and continues to mean to me.
It is a dawning experience that it is used like that.
It’s gratifying, but not something I aimed for. But it is good to do good.
This album means a lot to me because I feel that I have hit a note that is my own.
It has only become clearer to me that others have recorded the music.
When I approve my music and my sound work, it happens in such a way that
I fall into a trance – some would probably say sleep.
But I sit and listen and don’t fall off the chair. Then it plays and then it stops.
And I wake up, mentally and emotionally rested.
Then it’s done.
The ideas come out of nowhere. Then a lot of work. Like building a house out of air.
Then the trance state – and then again nothing.
But nothing is something, but it is not mysterious or special. You just have to have an ear for it. And you have two.
Some of the music on the album was written for exhibitions.
When I compose music and sound for exhibitions,
I see every sound as a voice in a symphony.
And I work purposefully to integrate the sound so that it is not actually noticed.
More than 1 million audiences have wandered through my music and sound
and my total sales figure is just under 200 copies 🙂
But better that than people being suffocated by sound.
I can also hear this approach in my independent works.
First of all, it’s just there.
But please listen.
“Beautiful things grow out of shit. Nobody ever believes that.
Everyone thinks that Beethoven had his string quartets completely in his head—they somehow appeared there
and formed in his head—and all he had to do was write them down and they would be manifest to the world.
But what I think is so interesting, and would really be a lesson that everybody should learn, is that
things come out of nothing. Things evolve out of nothing.
You know, the tiniest seed in the right situation turns into the most beautiful forest.
And then the most promising seed in the wrong situation turns into nothing.
I think this would be important for people to understand,
because it gives people confidence in their own lives to know that’s how things work.
If you walk around with the idea that there are some people
who are so gifted—they have these wonderful things in their head
but and you’re not one of them, you’re just sort of a normal person,
you could never do anything like that—then you live a different kind of life.
You could have another kind of life where you could say,
well, I know that things come from nothing very much, start from unpromising beginnings,
and I’m an unpromising beginning, and I could start something”.
Brian Eno (from the movie Daniel Lanois: Here is what is”)
Dansk version
I presse meddelsen står der: Musikken er skrevet for at forstå og lindre smerte.
lidt voldsomt måske, men det tætteste jeg kan komme på hvad musik har betydet og fortsat betyder for mig.
Det er en gryende erfaring at den bliver brugt sådan.
Det er glædeligt, men ikke noget jeg har sigtet efter. Men det er godt at gøre gavn.
Dette album har stor betydning for mig, fordi oplever, at jeg har ramt en tone, der er min egen.
Det er kun blevet tydligere for mig, ved at andre har indspillet musikken.
Når jeg godkender min musik og mit lydarbejde sker det på den måde, at jeg falder i trance – nogen vil nok sige i søvn.
Men jeg sidder og lytter og falder ikke ned af stolen. Så spiller det og så stopper det. og jeg vågner, mentalt og emotionelt udhvilet.
Så er det færdigt.
Ideerne kommer ud af ingenting. Derefter en masse arbejde. Som at bygge et hus af luft.
Så trancetilstanden – og så igen ingenting.
Men ingenting er jo alligevel noget, men det er ikke mystisk eller særligt. Man skal bare have øre for det. Og du har to.
En del af musikken på albummet er skrevet til udstillinger. Når jeg komponerer musik og lyd til udstillinger så ser jeg enhver lyd som en stemme i en symfoni. Og jeg arbejder målbevidst på, at integrere lyden så den faktisk ikke bemærkes.
Mere end 1 million publikummer har vandret rundt i min musik og lyd og mit samlede salgstal er lige under 200 eksemplarer 🙂
Men hellere det end folk bliver kvalt i lyd.
Denne tilgang kan jeg også høre i mine selvstændige værker.
Først og fremmest er det der bare.
Men lyt gerne.
“Beautiful things grow out of shit. Nobody ever believes that. Everyone thinks that Beethoven had his string quartets completely in his head—they somehow appeared there and formed in his head—and all he had to do was write them down and they would be manifest to the world.
But what I think is so interesting, and would really be a lesson that everybody should learn, is that things come out of nothing. Things evolve out of nothing. You know, the tiniest seed in the right situation turns into the most beautiful forest. And then the most promising seed in the wrong situation turns into nothing.
I think this would be important for people to understand, because it gives people confidence in their own lives to know that’s how things work.
If you walk around with the idea that there are some people who are so gifted—they have these wonderful things in their head but and you’re not one of them, you’re just sort of a normal person, you could never do anything like that—then you live a different kind of life.
You could have another kind of life where you could say, well, I know that things come from nothing very much, start from unpromising beginnings, and I’m an unpromising beginning, and I could start something”.
Brian Eno (from the movie Daniel Lanois: Here is what is”)
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